Health information and updates regarding hormones
Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It’s a combination of several other disciplines. They relieve pain in the body as well as mental health issues or nervousness. TCM includes: Pharmacopeia Dietetics Acupuncture Moxibustion Tuina massage Herbs Cupping Breath Energy exercises Taichi Qigong Acupuncture consists of the stimulation of specific areas of the…
We are constantly bombarded with diets upon diets, each promising a thinner waistline, a bigger and better way of melting off pounds, etc. With our preoccupation of fad diets and intense workout routines, how is that the rate of obesity continue to climb in our society? What are we missing? Of course, there are certain…
In this day and age, it is nearly impossible to live in an urban setting and not be exposed to toxins on some level. In our clinical practice, we are seeing more fatigue, more chemical and food sensitivities,…